Sign of the Apocalypse

This week's sign the apocalypse is upon us, from the spam. (I am not a member, but for some reason, they send me this; I only read it to see the latest and greatest. The sarcasm should be oozing down your monitor at this time.)

Sex Between Training Sessions
By Chuck Wolf


Will sex between training sessions affect performance if I am training for an event?

Hopefully Mr. Wolf will provide PTontheNet subscribers with the titillating details of allowable frequency, intensity and volume for these activities. Maybe some sample workouts. Should we use a heartrate monitor so we can add the data to our workout log? Is sex considered "active rest" or not? Does it matter if the periodization model is linear or undulating? What about sex and tapering? And here's the really important question for all female athletes: Does your man understand the importance of a comprehensive dynamic warmup and cool down?

I just couldn't resist. Friday is casual day, right? :-)


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