Public Service Announcement

Barbells don't injure people. People who do stupid things with barbells injure themselves. Please lift and workout with a barbell responsibly.


Orie said…
Am I the only who feels that there are, in fact, days when the barbell strives to do me in?

Days when it conspires with gravity to do me real and lasting harm?

Days when it diagnoses and ruminates upon my various physio-anatomical shortcomings, the better to plot my undoing?

I know, I know. Lower the weight. Do more two position and drop snatches.

But still!
Tracy Fober said…
Student Orie,

You must look inward for the answer to your questions.

Painstorms. Heh! Puking. Heh! A master of the classical lifts craves not these things. He must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind, and special flexibility.

Once you start down the dark path of mindless barbell and other met con, forever will it dominate your destiny; consume your flexibility and neuromuscular coordination it will.

You must unlearn what you have learned. With regard to the classical lifts, the barbell punishes the generalist, and rewards the specialist.


P.S. And yes, more two position and drop snatches.
Anonymous said…
Hey, What's wrong with the Painstorms? Yes, mastery of technique is beautiful, rewarding, sensible, and inspiring. I like training with a purpose. However, I do like the "unknowing" of what lies ahead sometimes. The workouts that really test my will do a few things that I see as positive. 1. Test my mental and physical fortitude. 2. shock my body. 3. Get me "High". Yes that feeling after some of those gutbusters can only be compared to euphoria. So, I want it all in doses. If anything, to keep my simple mind entertained. I consider fun to be at the top of my list for training. Yoda doesn't look like he ever touched a barbell! He just lifts it with his mind?
Tracy Fober said…
The Maven's tongue was firmly in her cheek with the above comment.
Orie said…
That was hilarious, Jedi Maven.

I promise to be more responsible on my next max effort O-lift Xfit workout of the day. That being said, I hope you will join us on the dark side for "Grace" or "Isabel" next time. A little met-con nastiness has it's rewards, even for the specialist.


Anonymous said…
Uh oh, did I stir up the force? Did you not like what I said or just the comment about Yoda? This does all bring up an interesting subject. What are the pros and cons of a "puke worthy" workout? When is something totally insensible sensible? Does an elite athlete have to push themselves to the absolute limit to get the most out of his/her potential? I guess it depends on the demands of the sport eh? Certainly gutbusters are great for MMA fighter. But maybe not for a....bowler? hahah.
Tracy Fober said…
Grasshopper Silverback,

I was just having some fun with Orie and letting my inner Star Wars geek come out.

I applaud your efforts to promote exercise, constructive male bonding and self-improvement, especially on Friday nights.

Fo shizzle!

Anonymous said…
Is that a "snoop dog" quote? Yes a little male bonding gives us things to talk about. Orie said you might be joining us on Friday night!!!
Anonymous said…

I think this photo would have been a perfect introduction to discuss the merit of "good mornings" (disclaimer: I've been wanting you to blog about these for a long time!).

Anyway, I just finished reading Mark Rippetoe's book, STARTING STRENGTH (2nd edition). Mark (and Lon) have contributed immensely to practical strength training advice. However, there were a few (very few) points in the book that were irritating either due to poor wording or ill-defined instruction--for example and specifically relating to "flatback goodmornings," Mark (and Lon) state (p.247):

"and the bar is on the traps with the hands pulling it down INTO THE NECK to keep it from rolling or sliding up at the bottom. (It is important to stabilize the bar AGAINST THE NECK and keep it from sliding....)" [emphasis added]

So, is it so unforeseeable or unreasonable that someone reading this wouldn't end up like the picture you've displayed? After all, isn't the person in the picture stabilizing the bar against the neck?

Mark and Lon also discuss round-backed goodmornings and it would be interesting to hear your take on these as well.

Anyway, I'm hoping you'll blog at length about this exercise as it's an exercise that I have a lot of problems with. I've cut back on my weight and am focusing on proper technique (keep back in extension, focus on sliding hips back to lower the bar down as far as my very poor hamstring flexibility permits, etc.).

Above all, I'm doing this as part of the Jim Schmitz O-lifting program, but am wondering: are they necessary and are there appropriate substitutes?

Thanks for your wise advice,

Anonymous said…
All I can say about the pic is OUCH!!!!!

And if anyone want to exercise till they puke when form goes all to hell they may as well be going somewhere like on a bike or in running shoes or in the water!!

The bonk is not so sweet but that honey bun from the QT sure is awesome in your attempts to recover!!

Anonymous said…
Master Fober,
I've been down that road that you describe. I've pushed myself to the edge of intensity in bonecrushing metcons. Coupled with the Obsessive Zone diet and Obsessive Performance tracking, I put myself in a strange place.

I think I am off that road now. I am on a strength/bulk cycle that at first was painful; the weight was heavy, the food was confusing, the sleep was troubled.

I have found the fun in lifting once again. I am becoming more in tune with the Zen of O-lifting, and it's glorious.

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