My '09 GAIN Experience

Wow, what can I say about Vern Gambetta's 09 GAIN Apprentorship? I went to Ft. Lauderdale on June 19 with no idea of what the next 5 days would bring; I emerged a changed person. I have been super-charged from a personal and a professional standpoint.

For 5 days we (about 35 of us) were immersed in all things related to athletic development--physical assessment, skill acquisition, strength/power, speed/agility, martial arts, shoulder/core issues, rehabilitation of the elite athlete, current concepts in controlling MRSA, and cautionary tales regarding research in sport science. And I probably missed a few other topics. We started at 7 am and finished around 9 pm each day, and then usually retreated to the lobby bar for more discussion. Of course, by the last night, Mick, our Irish futbol performance coach from Abu Dhabi, took charge of the bartending!

There were extraordinary people from all professions involving sport, movement, coaching and physical health: strength coaches, PE teachers, athletic trainers, and physical therapists. I think most of the American participants were seriously impressed with our Australian Institute of Sport friends. These people have got it going on. They know their stuff and they are out in front when it comes to integrating athletic development, sport coaching, rehabilitation and sport science. We have so much to learn from them and their processes.

One of the highlights for me was meeting my blog buddy, Joe P. Joe can interpret the research literature and apply it in the most challenging of settings--the high school. This guy is not afraid to get in the trenches and work his tail off for his kids; he also does a great job of presenting some pretty technical information in a palatable and humorous manner. Bada-bing for tensegrity!

Thank you, Vern, for inviting me to participate in this wonderful, wonderful experience. I will be back next year, with the AD in tow.


Orie said…
Buckminster Fuller. Huzzah!

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