Nothing By the Slice

“@StLouisSmack: @pistl Can you buy by the slice in the restaurants?” thanks. We sell whole pies only.
I have the same approach as Pi. There are no individual workouts posted here. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Every workout has a context, purpose and a goal. Not appropriate to sell by the slice.


Tim Clark said…
Bravo! Love the analogy. The Pie looks good too.
Howard said…
I agree - great analogy. Hope all is well your way - will we see you at our coaches college sometime?
Boris said…
I made an exceptional chocolate pecan pie the other day. I promise to share if I make it down south again.
Amie said…
That's awesome! LOVE IT!!! One of my best friends called me the other day to ask questions about a better way to lift, watching loads, reps, etc. (same conversations you and I have had!)...I channeled my inner IRON MAVEN to guide him down the better path :) Thank you my friend!

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