My Old Sony Camera

At nine years old, the camera is showing it's age. The push up video I posted Friday is grainy and not in HD because it was taken with this camera. I am reluctant to get a new one because this camera has been such a big part of my professional and personal journey. But alas, it is time to retire it and get something newer to take better video and still images.
Right now I am a jumble of video and pictures between iPod Touches, phones and iPads--not very organized. Using the mini-dv cameras is a pain; to download the video via firewire or USB to the laptop takes time. I may set up the tripods and cameras at some point, but only for special filming.
I am still a Movie Maker junkie without a Mac laptop and have not mastered iMovie on the iPad so I going all-out iPod Touch/iPad is out of the question for me right now. I like being able to carry the camera in my pocket as I work with people, but I don't like clogging up my phone with video that is in a format my current version of Movie Maker doesn't like. Sigh.
I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a decent multi-function camera they use for both video and still images. In the meantime, I'm going to be posting some favorites that this little camera has captured over the last nine years.
At the Salvador Dali Museum in Spain.
One of my first sequence photos. A very young Jason Brown learns to power snatch.
Downtown Seattle during a visit to work with Melanie Roach and Coach John Thrush.
How about using Kinesio Capture on an ipad?