More Stuff

Reading: Rome 1960 by David Maraniss. Fabulous account of the 1960 Olympic Games and the stories behind the events, athletes and organizers. Big-time Cold War politics. US athletes are instructed to give written propaganda to Soviet athletes. Divided Germans compete as a unified team. The first televised games with Jim McKay receiving film daily via plane from Italy. Avery Brundage, IOC emporer. Cassius Clay is 18 and smitten with Wilma Rudolph. Ed Temple and the Tigerbelles rock. Rafer Johnson leads the US team as flagbearer and wins the decathlon.

Wondering: When is this stupid heat and humidity going away? Heat index of 113 yesterday.

Waiting: Now NBC says Melanie is possibly going to be on the Wednesday Today Show. Possibly. Mel's session will be televised (or some parts from it) this Sunday on NBC.

Really: Had a request via a contact for video of Casey Burgener for Late Night with David Letterman. Sent them a clip. Supposed to use it this week sometime, but I have no idea of the context of the segment or what they are doing.

More waiting: We will find out in roughly 48 hours whether or not Casey Burgener will compete in Beijing. He is there training and in good spirits. Regardless of what happens, he'll stay through the end of the games and then fly away to Europe with Natalie for several weeks to decompress. They will be married in November.

Looking forward to: October 25. My friend Mike Burgener, the Weapon of Mass Instruction, is coming to STL for a one-day workshop on the lifts. Email me if you'd like to join us and learn something. It's $250 and includes opportunities for video feedback, lunch and a hip t-shirt.


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