Everything is Everything

I've been listening to "Everything is Everything" by Lauren Hill recently. This part of the song really hits home with me with regard to current ideas floating about the fitness and S&C worlds:

I wrote these words for everyone
Who struggles in their youth
Who won't accept deception
Instead of what is truth
It seems we lose the game,
Before we even start to play
Who made these rules? We're so confused
Easily led astray
Let me tell ya that
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
After winter, must come spring
Everything is everything

With the interwebs, it is so easy for one person or group to promote very specific ideas about training. These ideas quickly become accepted as fact and truth when repeated, re-Tweeted, and re-blogged. Hey, if so-and-so says it, it must be true, right?

Never mind so-and-so's practical experience and education. Never mind the logic and rationale behind the principle. Never mind the physiology and biomechanics of how the human body works within the context of gravity, or the context of an implement.

Just because someone is charismatic and uses scientific and terminology doesn't mean they have a good grasp on the reality of human function and movement. Just because someone is big, buff and strong doesn't mean they have a clue about physical health or human performance.

Verbal cues might sound good--and they might even be useful in certain circumstances--but in reality they may not describe what the body is doing or what the best practice for a movement pattern should be.

Fitness or performance presented as dogma may not be all it is cracked up to be. Because everything is everything and the whole is often bigger than the sum of its parts--not just a few mantras mixed in with some swagger. Beware of "the one true way" zealots.

Rules and principles are necessary. It is imperative they are based on sound information and logic. Things are a little more complex than we might think, so open your eyes, ask questions and seek knowledge from many sources.


Anonymous said…
I feel that...all of that..

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