Secondary World Team Qualifier Highlights

It's all weightlifting the first two weeks in March, with the World Team Qualifier and now the National Junior Championships this weekend in Indiana. There are three American records in this montage: Natalie Woolfolk hits 117 C&J for a 215 total (top 7 at World's this year), Chad Vaughn hits 190 kg C&J @ 77 kg bodyweight and Kendrick Farris hits 199 kg (and almost 203 kg) @ 85 kg bodyweight. 203 kg was the top clean & jerk in the 85 kg class at the World Championships this year. The US has not had a male World Champion in weightlifting since Joe Dube in 1969. Kendrick is not yet 21 and has the potential to place very high in international competition throughout his career if he continues to progress. Kendrick, Natalie and Chad (a 2004 Olympian) are good bets for the 2008 Olympic team.


Anonymous said…
I get a great workout just watching those athletes in action. Wow.

Great stuff!

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