Emmy Vargas: A Great Performance!

Emmy Vargas put on a most inspirational performance this weekend. She recently moved to the OTC in Colorado Springs to train and has been hitting PRs left and right. She went 6/6 in March at the secondary world team qualifier with a 105/133.

Only the top 4 women get to go to the Pan Am games this summer and Emmy needed a 249 total to get that spot. She hit 107 and 142 for big-time PRs--even after being knocked on her rear with her first attempt at 142 (313 lbs)! This woman is tough as nails!

With the 142 kg clean and jerk, I think Emmy now holds the second best clean and jerk for a woman in the US--EVER--behind Cheryl Hayworth, who has many lifts above 140 kg. Emmy trains with and has the challenge of trying to catch Cheryl, the most decorated female weightlifting in the US (10 National Championships, 2000 Olympic Bronze medalist, Junior World Champioin).

I guess she hasn't let that daunting challenge, nor a previous elbow injury, slow her down. At 30 years old, she's making the most of her opportunity to train with the best. She and Cheryl will give the US a big one-two punch at the Pan Am games.

Here is a brief summary of Emmy's performance. You might want to turn the volume down a bit. I got kind of carried away! Right-click on the video to zoom to full screen.


Anonymous said…
I am so happy for Emmy!
She rocked. She went after those weights, and i think she totally deserves to be representing us at the Pan Ams.
Great, great lifting. a total inspiration.
Christine said…
Madam Maven,

Truly an inspiring video. Could I have your permission to link that to my blog?
Tracy Fober said…
You betcha! And if you want to, you can embed a versions w/o music on YouTube at this link:


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