Suspension Training

My friend Alex sent me the recent NYT article on "suspension" training. I looked at the website for the TRX straps and couldn't find any images of someone using the Inkaflexx straps to get a better idea of how people are using these things. Basically they are rings, but with flexible slots that allow you to easily support the legs as well. And you can take them anywhere. That's a good thing, in my book. Again, we have a "new" product that the personal fitness industry is all abuzz over. And of course, it is "sexy" because it was "invented" by a former Navy Seal. Hey, we'd all like to say we aspire to the physical capabilities of a Navy Seal, right? It sells, baby. Like some of the people quoted in the NYT article, I don't feel most "fitness oriented" people are prepared to use this equipment. They have trouble controlling and perceiving their own bodyweight in modified positions on SOLID surfaces. But hey,...