Spectrum Squat Variations

In support of my HMMRMedia article today, I wanted to give people a look at some of the Spectrum Squat variations I have used -- and show athletes doing them in actual training sessions. The athletes featured are Morgan Northrop (US national team, aerials skiing, 5' 6" and 128 lbs), Eli Kimche (high school senior, golf, 6' 4") and Nolan Berry (high school senior at the time, basketball, 6' 10" and 220 lbs).

The video quality isn't super high, but this is the real deal, flaws and all. Morgan and Eli do a fantastic job of using their full range of motion. Eli is doing is first ever Spectrum Squats in these videos and is learning to rack the KBs. He only has KBs at home so we work with what we have during the COVID -19 times. Morgan is a pro at Spectrum Squats and has used them to their fullest throughout every training year.

The video of Nolan is for all of you working with tall, somewhat inflexible athletes. I worked with Nolan all four years of high school. He went from 6' 6' and 168 lbs to 6' 10" and 220 lbs during that time. He played the #3 position -- not a traditional big guy. Ran the court and passed very skillfully. No one would ever call him flexible but he was never limited by his lack of flexibility and we worked to get what we could and optimize his foundational leg strength so he could be as mobile and agile as possible.

Pre-practice, priming, very short set. < 15% BW.

Pre-season, hard, 5 of 5 full sets. End of week. 30% BW.

First time, with two KBs. Very challenging to upper body. < 22% BW.

1 arm KB, squat & press variation. Short. Possible pre-golf comp idea.

Pre-season basketball, regular. 35 kgs at 100 kg BW.


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