Mindful, Purposeful Work
I understand there are clients who thrive on the "more is better" mantra. Part of our job is to help these people understand this is not the most beneficial training plan. Better is better. More is not necessarily better. Those who criticize endurance athletes for doing a bunch of garbage mileage when running, biking or swimming are falling into the same trap with doing hundreds and thousands of repetitions of bodyweight exercises. Is what you are asking your client to do beneficial or just busywork? Look at the volume of reps over one week, one month, one year, and multiple years. Look at what is happening to the body. Do you know what the long term implications are? Are the adaptations really beneficial for that individual?
That which doesn't kill you might make you stronger in the short term; but if you go there often enough, it will eventually wear you out, physically and/or mentally. You might think a "mess you up" mentality is hip and cool now; in a few years, you might have a different perspective. The benefits of exercise are cumulative; but so are the stresses. Don't forget that.
I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about what I think of as "competitive" form olympic lifts vs. what I think of as "football" form or "wrestling" form. That is, people who aren't going to necessarily do max singles on a platform, but who want the athleticism of the movement, and who might not have the beautiful high elbows and deep catch of a great clean, but have the basics down enough to be safe.
(I learned from competitive lifters; videos of crossfit olympic lifts often make me cringe. But form follows function.)
I know you don't answer anonymous posters, but I'm still curious.
Ultimately I think the varied programing of CrossFit has the effect of preventing over-training induced injury. I think this makes it much safer than more focused programs.
All the CrossFit trainers I know personally see their clients four days a week at most and do a great job varying the movements.
Can you give us some examples of this? I'd really like to know, so can recognize these issues in my clients.
A few examples that you asked for:
Be careful with Wall Ball / Thrusters/kb swings (2 hand) with clients with a kyphotic tendency--and just bodyweight squats--force the hands behind the head and don't let them flail like they are having a siezure. Modify these movements to put people in the best t-spine position possible while using the legs.
If you can't rack the bar properly for a front squat or to receive a clean, use DBs with thrusters or light barbell behind the neck (if tolerable) and work on non-ballistic overhead movements to promote scapulohumeral mobility. I would change to dead hang pull ups and try to have a ratio of 1:4 of pulling:pressing (overhead) work; or avoid pull ups for a few months.