From a PT Standpoint: Overhead Squats

This comment was posted recently: Anonymous said... From a PT stand point what are your views on Overhead Squats for a Pitcher in Baseball Well, in general I try not to look at things from just an American PT stand point. If I did, I'm afraid I would never squat (overhead or otherwise) nor put anything over my head. I might be stuck in wall squat and Theraband purgatory. Being around the sport of weightlifting has been invaluable to my growth as a physical therapist. I try to be open and look at movements and exercises as a coach and athlete as well. keep in mind the human body responds to stresses in many positive ways, not just negatively. keep in mind the body types, postures and common movements/ROM of other cultures. Many of my colleagues are incapable of thinking "outside the PT box" and that, in my opinion, is a shame. They fear movements, positions and efforts they themselves could never achieve and so they pooh-pooh it for eve...