High School Holiday Sports-O-Rama

There is no rest for the AD over the break. 16 teams in The Spartan wrestling tournament meant 12 to 14 hour days on Wednesday and Thursday. Back today for another 8 hours to host part of the MCC sophomore basketball tournament, then off to the local junior college to watch the varsity basketball team play at 8:30 this evening. Grapplers, cagers and Spartans--oh my!

And be warned future spouses of AD's, if you are the significant other of the athtletic director and you happen to be at school when the score keeper doesn't show up, you might have to dust off your trusty no. 2 and keep the score book for the next baskteball game. I felt really old when I had to ask how many time outs they have now and how you document the 30 second vs the full timeout!


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