USA Lifting Magazine Article

For those of you interested in the sport of weightlifting, please check out the latest issue of USA Lifting Magazine. Click on the May 31, 2007 issue to find some very interesting articles, including one by me. I put together (on a whim the other morning) an informal discussion of the snatch velocities and trajectories of two US athletes, Cheryl Haworth and Norik Vardanian.

The magazine is entirely developed by volunteers, in an effort to create informative and instructional content--content that many feel USA Weightlifting should be providing to it's members, but is not. FYI, you can finally access the first online versions of Weightlifting USA, the NGB's quarterly, official magazine here. (Warning, the link is directly to a fairly large PDF file, so it may take a while to load.)

Joe Prusacki, the developer of the Weightlifting On-Line Magazine website, actually does the dirty work of putting the text and images together. The majority of the photos are provided by Bruce Klemens, weightlifting photographer extrordinare. You can order photos and see some of his classics here. Marty Schnorf, a generous coach from Charleston, IL coordinates the compilation of results and articles, as well as provides the Iron Grapevine commentary and overviews of big competitions.

The community of weightlifting in the US is VERY small and we all know or know of each other. So if my writing seems a bit informal, it is because it is going out to the many people I know and exchange ideas/comments with through the GoHeavy forum. GoHeavy can be a wacky place at times, but if you ever want to find someone in weightlifting or ask a question, you can ususally get that information by posting on GoHeavy.


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