What's next, Lulu?
Tallulah Belle (Lulu) says there's lots to do in 2008! Thanks to all of you who have supported Iron Maven and this blog during 2007. It has been a challenging year and afforded me many opportunities for personal and professional growth. I want to especially thank Alex P, Vern G, Joe P, Catherine I, Dan, Brandon, Laurie, Jill & Geoff G, Big Mel, Coach B and the Queen Bee, The Goils (A, B, C & Sssssss), PJ, G, Sister, and of course, Mr. Kevin, for being there during the tough times and motivating me to reach higher. I have enjoyed and been inspired by meeting and working with my many new CrossFit friends. Who knew so many adults aspire to physical health! (P.S.--Jen, I haven't forgotten about guest blogging for you!) I wish you all strength and health as we embark on the new year. Keep your minds open and stop to smell the roses once in a while. Challenge yourself physically and intellectually. Read more. Ride more. Write more. Squat. Sing. Reflect. Cont...