What's next, Lulu?

Tallulah Belle (Lulu) says there's lots to do in 2008! Thanks to all of you who have supported Iron Maven and this blog during 2007. It has been a challenging year and afforded me many opportunities for personal and professional growth.

I want to especially thank Alex P, Vern G, Joe P, Catherine I, Dan, Brandon, Laurie, Jill & Geoff G, Big Mel, Coach B and the Queen Bee, The Goils (A, B, C & Sssssss), PJ, G, Sister, and of course, Mr. Kevin, for being there during the tough times and motivating me to reach higher.

I have enjoyed and been inspired by meeting and working with my many new CrossFit friends. Who knew so many adults aspire to physical health! (P.S.--Jen, I haven't forgotten about guest blogging for you!)

I wish you all strength and health as we embark on the new year. Keep your minds open and stop to smell the roses once in a while. Challenge yourself physically and intellectually. Read more. Ride more. Write more. Squat. Sing. Reflect. Contribute.

Make the world around you a better place.


Anonymous said…
Happy Holidays, Tracy. I'm glad we found each other! How's my squat form look now? :)

Jen said…
Whoot! I'm glad you've not forgotten! Yea haw!
CI said…
Happy Holidays Tracy. Thank you for all of your contributions and insights. Looking forward to working with you more in 2008.

Anonymous said…
Tracy, thanks for striving to the world a better place and helping me to be a better person. Your intellect, generosity, resilience, and spirit constantly amaze me.

Here's to a FABULOUS 2008!
Anonymous said…
Tracy, It has been a blessing to have met you. You have contributed so much to the CrossFit community. You should feel great reward in the help you give to people. You have so much to offer and I know you'll stay motivated....or else!!!! Burpees!!!!

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