Mel Update

Talked to Mel yesterday. She is having the best training cycle of her career as she approaches 21 days out. She's tired and training with an extra layer of clothing on to try an simulate the heat and humidity of the conditions in China. Mel hit a lifetime best snatch of 83 kg and 105 kg, 110 kg and 112 kg clean and jerks yesterday. She holds the American record in the clean and jerk, 113 kg, set in 1998.

Before yesterday, she had never even attempted 83 kg in training. I am not surprised she is still making progress at 33. She's had over 18 months of consistent training for the first time in 10 years, with only minor aches and pains; her back is not a limiting factor. She's meticulous with her diet and is working hard to keep her weight at 55 kg so she can better tolerate the pounding--and avoid the wrath of Obi John. She's not got access to a high-tech athlete recovery center, so she improvises and takes a large Tupperware storage container out in the back yard and fills it with ice cold water and has a seat.

It's not rocket science. It is steady training, a wise coach, a supportive training environment, a supportive family and community, and an athlete who is grateful for every moment of the journey.


Anonymous said…
Can I ask? What's a taper like for an olympic lifter? (duration, %, etc.)
gilesdm said…
very nice lift.... gratz!
rizzo said…
gooooo mel! that was so cool to watch her do that, i can't wait to see how she does in beijing

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