Happiness is...

a legit 100 kg front squat.  Not too shabby for a 17 y.o. 6' 7" high school volleyball player. See the video here.

Flexibility is the key here, particularly at the ankle and t-spine/shoulder. You'll note the proper front squat/clean grip rack of the bar. Torso control during the lift, i.e, core strength, is essential.

This is how we roll at the House of Iron. Gotta earn the right to progress. Gotta have the maturity and the experience to try a 1RM lift.


Scott Mundy said…
I love how you told the 6 foot 7 guy to stay tall ;)
Tracy Fober said…
It's one of my favorite cues. Simple and usually effective.

Joe Przytula said…
T- In your experience, how much do torso/leg length ratios come into play with a good tall guy front squat...or not at all?
Tracy Fober said…
Come into play often, but sometimes good or poor hip/ankle flexibility trumps leg/torso ratio. Mitch has very long femurs and it is sometimes an issue with squatting. He has to focus to keep good form. He actually struggles more to lift from the floor with good mechanics. His arms are so long it changes everything. Lucky for him he is a gumby.

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