Murphy Says "Getcha BIME On"
(1.5-2 hrs): $125
Knowledge is power. Take a proactive approach to your physical health and performance. Or at the very least, find out why it is so hard for you to rack the bar for a front squat or do a bodyweight squat without leaning so far forward!
This comprehensive screening, appropriate for athletes age 12 and up, takes the athlete through a battery of static and dynamic tests to help direct the fitness and training plan, via an assessment of the following:
Key Aspects of Body Awareness & Alignment
Foundational Strength (let's try something different than "core" strength, eh?)
Basic Exercise Technique (bodyweight & barbell, if necessary)
Email me @ tfoberATgmailDOTcom for questions.
I came away with a new-found confidence in my form and technique as well as key areas to focus on for improvement. My mother-in-law also was given a huge confidence boost in her physical capacities, having never followed a resistance program, she is now making postural and strength improvements to maintain her health and physical activity.
Well worth it.
T. Larson
tclarson at gmail dot com
St. Louis